Campaign message

We are currently running a fundraiser to help raise money and to ensure we have a successful season. The donations will be used for uniforms, travel costs, entry fees, and equipment. Unfortunately, our team struggles to raise the funds necessary to off-set the growing costs and we are looking to our families, friends, and community for help. Please take 5 minutes and donate whatever you can; even the smallest donation makes a difference. Each participant has an individual goal of raising $500.00 for the fundraiser, so please donate so that they may accomplish it.


2021 Madison Girls Volleyball Fundraiser

$ 3,565 of $5,000
Campaign Ended

Our Supporters


Larry Mayou


Emily Solorio


Eddie Meleisea


April Phomthavong


Nana Teri Valverde


Rebecca Istratoff


Derrick Slagle


Lorri Scott


Kathleen Mckewan


Leann Cortimiglia


Yadira Ocampo


Annie Pratt


Kyle & Sharon Nelson


Sonja Hood


Miguel García


Evelin Garcia


Florence Gray


Isaiah Osborne


Vanessa Brandon


Samuel Cortimiglia


Westley Yocom


Higgins Tuiolemotu


Marilyn Ellis


Consuelo Loreto


Marie Cleveland


Super Fan of Dajea #19


Alice Trowbridge


Eric Varela


James Goularte


Mark Rettig




Martin Macias


Kimberly Rosette


Ed Marchall


Danielle Rosas


Michelle Wallace


Crystal Hwong


Lyn Judd


Sarah Montano


P. Soto


Maria Gonzalez


Katie Hwong


Evelyn Hernandez


Jesus Zerpa


Tirsa Ortiz


Anabel Loreto


Lorraine Senesky


Norma Loreto


Nicholas Schulz


Katrina Panyavong


Dean Hoang


Maggie Loreto


Chanda Phan-Hwong


Raychelle Lee


Victoria Morales


Nana Tuiolemotu


Melitza Gonzalez


Florence Trent


Bonnie Luce Luce


Lolly Ryno


Dennis Brandon


Tom King


Molly DeFrates


Heidi Taylor


Jennifer Sousa


Lisa Everhart


Elaine Richardson


Mireya Malpica


Greg Wright

