Campaign message

We are currently running a fundraiser to help raise money and to ensure we have a successful 2021 season! The donations will be used for primarily trying to get a roof on our batting cages!! We will also be using the money for uniforms, travel costs, entry fees, and equipment. We are looking to our families, friends, and community for help, so please take 5 minutes and donate whatever you can; even the smallest donation makes a difference. Each participant has an individual goal of raising $500.00 for the fundraiser, so please donate so that they may accomplish it! WE NEED YOUR HELP and GO CHEROKEES!


South Doyle High School Baseball Fundraiser

$ 4,040 of $5,000
Campaign Ended

Our Supporters


Sanford Goddard






William Giron


Eric Harrison


Greg and Kelly Beal


Julia Russell


Jennifer Davis


Bill Riffey


Russell, Tonya, Reese Millsaps


Hull Family


Jennifer Davis


Jurrel & Sue Stapleton


Greg & Cindy Woodward


David Barrier


Garth Stapleton


Michael & Monique Tremblay


Howard Fass


Debra Sherrer


Andy and Jennifer Hebar


Andy and Jennifer Hebar


Debra Sherrer


Charles Pettyjohn


Scott Cantrell


Carole Glenn


Katelyn Glenn


Amanda Collers




Janie Tribick


Richard Hebar


patty glenn


Susan Moore


Janet Cantrell




Cody Hawn


kenneth skidmore


Kenneh Davis


Jack Funderburk


Cynthia Huff


Richard Hebar


Bill Huff


Barbara Moore


Pandora Schrank


Rebecca Whited


Carol Money


Nykky Thompson Tremblay


Vance Tibbetts


Sara Vittetoe


Hannah Sise


Dara Beam


Kay Denny


Kim Kallstrom


Gerard Jabaley


Gerard Jabaley


Angie Bush


Logan Rosenberger


Cynthia Huff


Carol Ballew


Corinne Sherrer


Connie Kennedy


Jessica Maulick


Sherrie Curl


Michelle Varner


Shannon Milbourn


Ashlei Graves


Tonya Jarman


Ronda Cummings


Savannah Huff


Blake Harper


Amy Browning


Sherry Wilson


brianna conger


Amanda Oglesby


Cara Browning