Campaign message

We are currently running a fundraiser to help raise money for the Reeths-Puffer Senior Grad Night 2022. The donations will be used for a mystery trip for Senior Class. We are looking to our families, friends, and community for help. Please take 5 minutes and donate whatever you can; even the smallest donation makes a difference. Each participant has an individual goal of raising $100.00 for the fundraiser, so please donate so that they may accomplish it.


ReethsPuffer Senior Grad Night 2022 Fundraiser

$ 2,185 of $5,000
Campaign Ended

Our Supporters


A bruce Smith


Joyce Wallace


Edward S Griffin Jr




C Richard borgeson


William Barham


Dennis Chester


Rhodene Jankowski


Rhonda G Smith


Aimee l lockhart


Courtney Biesiada






Daniel Smith


Suzanne Patterson


Kenneth Vanderstelt


Jeffrey S DeWitt


Christy M Ball


Rick H Davis


Heather Davis


David Lamphere


Katherine Dyer


Carmen Riedinger


Suzanne M Voorhies


Robin R Budwick


Christine Hull


Corrie Wierengo


Kristen Zeedyk


Steve Hasper


Julie Voorhies




Patricia A Sadenwater


Suzanne stuhan




Jacquelyn L. Ball


Cynyhia j mcmillin


William R Haines


Heather M Art


Rebekah J Rach


Linda Schotts


Deanna Belasco


Austin Leeck


Glenna E McComb


Laurie R Hundt


Anne L Peters


Jennifer Braden


Chad M Latsch