Campaign message

We are currently running a fundraiser to help raise money and to ensure the Sophomore class at Napoleon High School has a great high school experience. The donations will be used for proms and High School Graduation. Unfortunately, our school struggles to raise the funds necessary to off-set the growing costs and we are looking to our families, friends, and community for help. Please take 5 minutes and donate whatever you can; even the smallest donation makes a difference. Each participant has an individual goal of raising $500.00 for the fundraiser, so please donate so that they may accomplish it.


Napoleon High School Sophomore Class 2021

$ 1,480 of $3,000
Campaign Ended

Our Supporters


Morgan Weber


Brienne Martin


Doug Martin


Bill Ankney




Ben and Melanie Gyde


Rosa Reyes


Janice Miller


Jeff Morgan


Jared Rex


Linda Hamann


Karen Oberhaus


Bonnie Gyde


Pamela Miller


Sheila Franz


Lindsay Ferguson


Anna McMaster


Adam Gyde


V Church


Kathy Ferguson


Mike Tippenhauer


Michael Murphy


John Morman


Peggy Mossing


Julie Stout


Janis Oberhaud


Mark Critchet


Jennifer Wulf


Lori Drewes


Cori Niese


Brittany Labie


Anna Musshel


Mrs. Dunbar


Amanda Gilles


Jill Petee


Katie Harmon