Campaign message

We are currently running a fundraiser to help raise money and to ensure we have a successful season. The donations will be used for uniforms, travel costs, entry fees, equipment, as well as field and facility improvements. Unfortunately, due to COVID community outreach for fundraising is a higher risk to not only our community but also our athletes and their season. We are raising the funds necessary to off-set the growing costs for our program and we are looking to our families, friends, and community for help. Please take 5 minutes and donate whatever you can; even the smallest donation makes a difference. Each participant has an individual goal of raising $500.00 for the fundraiser, so please donate so that they may accomplish it.


Cass City High School Baseball Drive 2021

$ 3,280 of $3,000
Campaign Ended

Our Supporters


John Merchant


Drake Family




Bonnie Mckee




Amy Lowman


Rebecca Mckee


Ashley Patrick


Jason Anthes


Sue Copeland


al patrick


Susan Ruby


Witzke Family


Christine Nietzke


Heather Weiler


John Wiseman


Alexa Torres


Perzanowski Family


Ben Schott


Sonya Otremba


Kevin Mckee


Sherry Wiseman


Suzanne Klein


Anthony Trecapelli


Russell Weyer


Katharine Fernald


Jason Torres


Dee Kritzman


Barbara Patrick


Janet Wiseman


Kevin Nelson


Wendi Witzke-Bixman


Barbara Patrick


Christina Witzke


Jennifer Sosnoski


Gin Lounsbury


Ryan Brinkman


Dawn Rosenstangel


Carrie Osentoski


Daddy Perz


Shannon Kus


Patti Rodenbo


Shannon Kus


Mary Woller


Samantha Collins


Jenny Ziel


Mandy Geister


Linda Janks


Nancy Whaley


Kris Albrecht


John Kennedy




Carson Beach


Christine DIEGEL


Trish Otremba


Scott Essenmacher


Pam Peters